As we believe in providing complete support to our valuable customers we have set up two state-of-the-art calibration centers in both Dubai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This ISO 9001 certified centre is authorized by several of our major principals (such as Fluke) and consequently also falls under the umbrella of their respective ISO certifications. We periodically undergo an audit by these principals to verify conformity to their standards and high level of quality.
To fully support the equipment supplied by Haris Al Afaq, the Technical Center can calibrate most Electrical, Temperature and Pressure Test Equipment.
The temperature and humidity controlled laboratory is based around an automated Fluke Calibration Systems consisting of:
- Fluke 5522A Multiproduct Calibrator with oscilloscope and power quality options.
- Fluke 5320A Electrical Tester Calibrator
- Fluke 8846A 61/2-digit Multimeter
- Biddle Decade Resistance Box
The entire system works with Metrology Software designed to support ISO 9001 requirements as well as MIL STD 45662A requirements. Each year the main calibration standards are shipped to the Netherlands for annual re-calibration maintaining traceability and reverse traceability to the Dutch NKO standards.
In addition to the above we have recently augmented our capabilities by adding a comprehensive range of Temperature calibration solutions:
- Fluke Precision Infrared Calibrator
- Fluke dual channel precision thermometer readout with Platinum Resistance Thermometer
- Fluke Metrology well
In general, the Haris Technical Centre can calibrate much of the range of Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) that we supply such as:
- Handheld and bench Multimeters (analog and digital) up to 6 1/2 digits
- Thermocouple and RTD thermometers
- Digital thermometers
- Process calibrators
- Data loggers
- Strip and chart recorders
- Watt meters
- Power harmonics analyzers
- Current clamps and clamp meters
- Analog or digital handheld and bench oscilloscopes
- Panel meters
- Graphical multimeters
- Power meters, disturbance analyzers, power quality monitors, recorders and other power quality related equipment
- Insulation Testers, Earth Testers
- Milli-Ohmmeters
- Infrared thermometers
- Portable Appliance Tester
A list of Instruments we can calibrate is available upon request.
Any products that we cannot calibrate in house can be shipped back to calibration labs in Europe that we have relationships with. The Service centre is authorised to service and repair both Fluke and Megger instruments. Any items that can’t be repaired locally can be shipped at a minimal cost to the manufacturer for repairs.
The above is only a brief description of our capabilities. Please feel free to visit us for a demonstration or further details on our operations and quality systems.